Friday, September 27, 2024

Unveiling the Brain’s Universal Language: Similar Neural Dynamics Across Species During Behavioral Tasks

A groundbreaking study published in ‘Nature’ on November 8, 2023, reveals that animals of the same species exhibit strikingly similar neural dynamics when engaged in comparable behaviours. This significant finding, led by researchers Mostafa Safaie, Joanna C. Chang, Junchol Park, Lee E. Miller, Joshua T. Dudman, Matthew G. Perich, and Juan A. Gallego, could profoundly impact both fundamental neuroscience and the development of neuroprosthetics.

The study delved into the neural activities in monkeys and mice during various motor tasks, such as reaching or pulling. Employing advanced analytical techniques, the researchers found that the neural dynamics in the motor cortex were preserved across different individuals and contained detailed information about ongoing movement kinematics. This discovery is pivotal, suggesting that despite individual variations in neural circuitry, particular neural dynamics are preserved due to shared evolutionary and developmental constraints.

Extending their research beyond the motor cortex, the team observed preserved dynamics in the dorsolateral striatum, an older brain structure. This observation underlines the concept that such neural patterns are widespread and not confined to a single brain region. Additionally, the study explored covert behaviours like planning and deliberation, finding that the neural dynamics during these cognitive processes were also shared across individuals.

However, the research highlighted that behavioural similarity alone cannot align latent dynamics. Simulations with recurrent neural networks demonstrated that underlying circuit properties lead to variations in neural dynamics, emphasizing the complexity and nuanced nature of brain activities.

The implications of this research are far-reaching. It paves the way for a better understanding of the fundamental principles governing brain function and behaviour. The findings could significantly impact the development of brain-controlled devices like neuroprosthetics, where decoders trained on one individual could be adapted for others. This would reduce training and deployment time, making these technologies more accessible and efficient.

Moreover, the study opens new avenues for exploring how learning and experience shape neural circuitry and its dynamics over a lifetime. The researchers suggest that while core aspects of these dynamics are preserved, individual experiences and learned behaviours could introduce nuances, offering a rich field for future exploration.

In conclusion, the discovery of preserved neural dynamics across different individuals performing similar behaviours marks a milestone in understanding the neural basis of behaviour. This research enriches our understanding of brain function and holds promise for practical applications in medical technology and beyond.

Safaie, M., Chang, J.C., Park, J. et al. Preserved neural dynamics across animals performing similar behaviour. Nature 623, 765–771 (2023).

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