Friday, September 27, 2024

New Termite Species Discovered in Kerala, India

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have identified a new species of termite in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. The termite has been named Prorhinotermes cotym.

Rare Find in India

Termites belonging to the Prorhinotermes genus are seldom found in India. Up until now, only the Prorhinotermes flavus species was known to exist in the country. However, after 30 years of no new findings, this discovery is causing quite the buzz in the scientific community. This is also the first time that the Prorhinotermes genus has been recorded in Kerala.

Details about the New Species

The research team, led by Edwin Joseph along with Poovoli Amina, Sarath Thomas B S, Namitha Jayan, and Jobin Mathew, have provided a thorough description of the new termite species. They have shared detailed morphological measurements of the soldier and worker termites, supported with illustrations to help identify them.

Furthermore, the researchers sequenced the Cytochrome oxidase II gene subunit of the termites. This sequencing allowed them to conduct a phylogenetic analysis, essentially mapping out the evolutionary relationship of the new species with other termites.

For future reference and to aid other researchers, the team has also provided an updated key to the species of Prorhinotermes found in India. This includes a distribution map showing where these termites are typically found.

Importance of the Discovery

The Western Ghats, where the new termite was discovered, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the eight biodiversity hotspots in the world. Discoveries like this highlight the rich biodiversity of the region and emphasize the importance of conservation efforts.

This discovery not only adds to our understanding of the termite species in India but also highlights the significance of continued scientific exploration in biodiverse regions worldwide.

Joseph, E., Amina, P., Thomas B S, S. et al. A new species of termite, Prorhinotermes cotym (Blattodea: Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae: Prorhinotermitinae), from the Kerala part of the western ghats, India. Int J Trop Insect Sci (2023).

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